Fee: £850
No limit to the links I will send you throughout the season
I research finding those must-have items for you
Links will be sent with detail of how you can wear these items and how to style them with your existing clothes
Great way to learn about new brands, colours, or even styles you might never discover
After a wardrobe consultation, whether virtual or one-to-one and once we have identified your style and what is missing from your current wardrobe, the next stage is to find those perfect items to maximise what you already have. This is when you realise how many clothes you don't need! You need the right ones.
This will save you so much money and time in the long run. Remember how much money you spent on clothes you never felt great in or didn't know how to wear them? This is not about volume but the time and knowledge it takes to get that perfect piece you will enjoy wearing for years. This will save you money, and you will feel confident knowing you will wear and enjoy your new purchase; I spend your money very carefully; that's why I have had my clients for years. It also includes time for you to send Whats App images of you wearing the items for me to give you feedback, and suggestions of how you could wear your new purchase. Or you might prefer to arrange Facetime on What App.