Recently I’d got to the stage of waking up every day, agonising over what to wear, what suits me and what doesn’t. I wanted to throw all my clothes away. The daily dilemma was sapping my confidence and undermining my faith in my judgement and seeping into my whole feelings of self worth - I know it
sounds odd but truly it was getting me down.
After much angst I booked a mini style session with Alicia- really, wouldn’t she think that at the age of 62 I should be able to dress myself? More worrying won’t she think my stomach is flabby, my arms flappy and my legs all veiny? But despair and desperation gave me courage. And how glad I am! I had the most wonderful morning, we laughed and had great fun. Amazingly I do have some nice clothes and with some gentle guidance and helpful suggestions I can make myself look good!
My confidence and self-esteem are boosted and my faith in myself restored, it was like a therapy session. It has been revelatory and rewarding, in terms of my happiness and also I’m sure it will save me money as I feel confident in what suits and how to 'work' with my issues!
I cannot recommend highly enough the whole experience, even though my husband thought I was
leaving him when I packed up all my stuff into IKEA bags! Thank you Alicia (and Vinnie too - even the
snoring was most therapeutic)!